Meet The Contestants of 'ANTM' Cycle 22

Keep your fingers crossed, because it looks like the cast of Cycle 22 of America's Next Top Model is going to bring the drama: I mean, first off, this is the third cycle to feature guys and girls, which you know will equate to some major shake-ups with regards to the... um, sleeping arrangements. Heck, the show hasn't even technically premiered yet, and some contestants (I'm looking at you, Justin Kim) are already adding fuel to the 'shipper flames. Plus, there's also the fact that this is the first year since 2009's Cycle 13 that's been open to petite models (the shortest lady stands at 5'3", while the shortest dude measures up at 5'9"), which should definitely up the already-considerable feuding factor — I'm definitely predicting some solidarity between the petite ladies. Suffice it to say, Cycle 22's going to bring the drama — but who, exactly, is going to be bringing it? What do we know about this year's contestants?
A few of the competitors are already enjoying early buzz — the aforementioned Justin Kim, along with Mamé Adjei (a future Miss USA contender) and Nyle DiMarco (a hearing-impaired actor/model, with a role on Switched at Birth already under his belt) all look like they're going to bring their A-game. But, what about everyone else? Let's get to know them:
1. Ashley Molina
Ashley hails from Brooklyn, New York, and her Tumblr account proves that she's got smize-power to spare.
2. Ava Capra
Ava is a self-described "flower child," and she recently got her feet wet as a vlogger: Her YouTube channel has beauty tutorials, along with "HOLLA 4 a DOLLA" videos chronicling her dollar store hauls.
3. Bello Sanchez
According to his Model Mayhem profile, Bello has over 11 years of experience — and he's working with quite the luscious locks.
4. Courtney DuPerow
At 5'3 1/2", Courtney clocks in as the tiniest model in the competition, and she also happens to be a self-proclaimed "selfie queen" — let's hope she puts those pouting skills to good use this cycle!
5. Delanie Dischert
Her bio says she is currently a student at the University of Delaware, and is both a model and a singer.
6. Devin Clark
Devin describes himself as a "Barbados Island bad boy," and if his interview with Good Day Sacramento was any indication, he's pretty darn lovable.
7. Dustin McNeer
Dustin is currently signed with Directions USA (whether or not he ends up taking home the contract with NEXT Model Management remains to be seen), and he's one of this year's youngest contestants. (He just graduated high school!)
8. Hadassah Richardson
Along with Mame, Hadassah is a former beauty queen — she was crowned Miss Sugar Land USA in 2013.
9. Justin Kim
The 23-year-old model (who's being heralded as the show's first-ever Asian American male model —though, it's worth noting that mixed race contestant Adam Smith made it as a finalist last cycle) is sure to bring his booch A-game to the proceedings.
10. Lacey Rogers
Like fellow contestant Ava Capra, Lacey has her own YouTube channel, complete with haul videos and vlog entries. Oh, and as per her personal website, she's a virgin who's "never been in a relationship" — and if that doesn't scream "SOAP-WORTHY DRAMAAA," I don't know what does.
11. Mamé Adjei
Mamé's pageant experience with Miss USA gives her a serious edge on her competition (after all, she did place 5th. Plus, how cool is it that she was one of nine women of color competing for the crown? Here's hoping she parlays her pageant know-how into ANTM glory.
12. Mikey Heverly
Like Bello, Mikey boasts quite the mane — and interestingly enough, he got his big break on the show after Cycle 20 semi-finalist Renee Bhagwandeen sent his photos to the ANTM producers. Will his insider connection endear him to the judges? Guess we'll have to wait and see.
13. Nyle DiMarco
He's ANTM's first-ever deaf contestant, he's nothing short of drop-dead gorgeous, and he's a working actor? He might just have this whole competition in the bag.
14. Stefano Churchill
The smoldering Top Model contestant also happens to be a skilled surfer, and he hails from Virginia Beach.
Are there any particular contestants you're pulling for so far? Anyone you think who's the clear Top Model of the bunch? Tune in Aug. 5 to see how they all stack up!
Images: Aaron Epstein/The CW; Massimo Campana & Erik Asla/Pottle Productions Inc (14)