Ever Wanted to Sleep in a Bookstore? Maybe You Can
If you have ever wanted to spend your vacation communing with literature, there's a hotel you might want to book. The Book and Bed hostel in Tokyo basically lets you sleep in bookstore, so book nerds everywhere, this might be a good time to consider a trip to Japan. I mean, what's the harm in looking into it right? Looking doesn't cost anything. And think how much reading you could get done on the flight!
The hostel, which is located in Tokyo's Ikebukuro neighborhood, is scheduled to open in September of 2015, and seems to be targeted mostly at foreign tourists as well as domestic travelers — so really anyone who loves books. It was designed by Suppose Design Office, and the books were selected by Shibuya Publishing & Booksellers, though it's unclear what the titles in the "bookstore" might be, or how many languages they might come in. But still, getting to sleep surrounded by books sounds pretty great, right?
It's worth noting, too, that Book and Bed is a hostel, rather than a hotel, which means it's presumably much more affordable, but also that the amenities are bound to be lacking. There are no private rooms, and presumably washing areas would also be communal. But on the bright side, the beds are apparently built right into the bookshelves, like little bunk-bed book nooks.
And based on the pictures on the hostel's Instagram page, as well as other photos that have been floating around, the place does seem pretty cool.
So is the lack of private space worth it for the chance to sleep surrounded by books? Well, that's up to you, of course. And I know for me, a lot of that decision would rest on the prices, which have not been disclosed yet.
But regardless, if this becomes a trend, and literary hotels and hostels start springing up around the world, then far be it from me to complain. Though I might have to start taking more vacations.